Thursday, June 4, 2009

Revived and Alive!

So it's after 10 pm...and I should be settling down, getting ready for bed - but I can't. Not because I am stressed, not because I have so much to do, but because I am fueled full of living and raw foods - as I just finished (not more than a half hour ago) my Raw and Ripe Cooking Class (although no "cooking" actually took place).
Since it was a Raw class, we just prepared all the meals. Delicious meals created from recipes that are based on sprouted nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, spices, fresh herbs, sea vegetables, pressed oils and a few other little goodies like dates, sea salt, tamari, cider vinegar etc...
But the reason why I am so awake and feeling so alive right because these foods are living. Living means they are full of enzymes. When you soak and sprout nuts and seeds, beans etc.. you are activating all of it's nutritive potential - so in your body it can't help but do the same thing! Also when you eat raw fruits and veggies which are also full of enzymes -your body has to do less work to break them down, leaving bundles of energy readily available. I have to admit, I also get a bit of an adrenaline rush after all of my classes - they are so much fun and there is always such great energy throughout my kitchen that I can't help but feel energized at the end of the night!

Okay enough rambling and back to raw foods...I am by no means " a raw foodie" or "100 % raw" in fact, I believe in a very balanced approach to food and raw food being a huge component! Especially this time of year, it is very easy to "prepare" most of my foods as opposed to cooking them. Eating a "gourmet" raw meal like we did tonight in the class - takes a bit more thought and planning than just a salad or smoothie but still easy enough that anyone can do it (even without fancy equipment).
However, once it's complete and you have created a whole raw meal from zucchini noodles, fennel, carrot and beet slaw, cold avocado cucumber-coconut soup, almond basil pesto and the list goes on you will be feeling really proud of yourself and not to mention revived and alive!

It is common for most people to feel intimidated when it comes to raw food, and raw food prep. But the focus of tonight's class was on how to make raw foods simple and a apart of your everyday life without too much time and effort. You can make anything from "pasta" made from zucchini noodles (in your food processor) with an almond pesto, to "pizza" made from sprouted (Ezekiel) crust with sun dried tomato paste and cashew ricotta cheese to, nori rolls to an apple pie that wasn't even baked!

Have a look!

Yes, this may require a tad of planning. But all in all, preparing raw food can be simple, delicious and energizing!

Try this for starters....

Sun Seed Nori Rolls


1 cup sunflower seeds soaked 10-12 hours
1 cup almonds soaked 10-12 hours
1 ½ tablespoons dill, fresh and minced
1 tablespoon oregano fresh and minced
1 teaspoon sage, fresh and minced
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon tamari
1 tablespoon kelp or dulse granules
½ tablespoon Celtic sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup celery minced
1/3 cup red onion minced


Mix almonds and sunflower seeds, hand mix in remaining ingredients, mixing thoroughly. Serve by itself or wrapped in nori with veggies (cucumber, lettuce, carrots, sprouts) or with flatbread, raw crackers or on top of a salad!

Also have a look at some of these resources to read more about the benefits of Raw Food.
Raw Food Life
Raw Food Diet
Raw Food Research
Raw Food and Energy Gains
Raw Food vs. Cooked Food

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